Where did Ascending Hypnosis come from?

I could say I was inspired, which would be true. I can say it was born from experience which is also true. I could say it came from the needs of my clients, which is true as well. All of these are true, but they are just a small part of the story. The greater story is that Ascending Hypnosis came from God. Pure and simple, God told me to create Ascending Hypnosis.

Personally, I’m a lot more comfortable with using the word Source to define and name what God is to me. It kind of separates the creator being that I know from the Patriarchal angry and judgmental God that many are taught exists. Source describes the definition of what my God is, the source of all creation. From my firsthand experiences and years of delving into realms unknown by many, I have come to innerstand that we are all God. I had a friend in my facebook group describe it so well once “We exist in the imagination of Source”. We are all Source experiencing itself through creation. Separation is only an illusion.

The first step to this innerstanding happened in 2017. That’s when my life changed. Source (I) stepped in, and decided it was time that I wake up to the true nature of reality. It was time that I became open to the unseen realms. This is when I had a spiritual awakening that had me question and reevaluate all of my taught beliefs. My body was awakened to experiences beyond the physical and far outside of what is accepted as the norm. It was a process that lasted several months but, in a way, I don’t think it’s ever really over. This is when I started consciously communicating with Source.

How do I know I’m talking to Source? Intention. As those who navigate the unseen realms know, intention is everything. I use intention to speak to the greater part of myself. My Source self. My dearest one. When I am in communication with the creator, the feeling is unmistakable. It brings unvoluntary tears to my eyes every time. I am not a crier but when I communicate with Source, the tears flow. It feels like knowing 100% that you are loved and valued and so precious and that you’re doing very well. That’s what makes me cry and that’s how I know that I am communicating with Source.

I say “communicate” because it can sometimes be talking, it can sometimes be images, but it’s mostly knowing. It’s knowing a complete concept instantly and with certainty. That’s how I knew that it was time to create a new modality. A modality that I can be behind completely and that I’m excited to share with the world. The last 3 months of 2022 saw a constant communion with Source in a way that allowed me to create a complete hypnosis system that brings the client on a journey of knowledge similar to my own. As I was in the fine details of this modality, I felt my fingers being directed on the keyboard, I heard words spoken into my consciousness, and I felt great love and support throughout the entire 3 months. Every word in every induction was directed in collaboration with Source itself.

Most other hypnosis modalities have one induction. I was called to create 13 separate inductions and 13 completely unique experiences. This is to cause the greatest integration of the information and experiences for the client. Each progressive session brings the client into deeper innerstandings and greater wholeness. I was directed to create Ascending Hypnosis this way, and my experience allows me to comprehend why. Focusing a client on one point in each session allows for the time and respect needed to fully accept the truths that are revealed within a session. Months between sessions is required to take the time to fully consume the information and to be ready for the next truths to be revealed. In this way, A person can learn to live free and without self-imposed limitations. A person can choose for themselves, their own experiences. A person can live in joy and wonder of the world around them. A person can innerstand that they are whole and complete and move forward in a world that accepts that to be true.

What can Ascending Hypnosis do for a Client? There is no end!