Releasing Fear

This is a blog I found in drafts from 2018. I hope you enjoy it.

Fear is the ultimate culprit behind the ills of this world. Most of us go through life in a fear state. This state takes over every decision and opportunity before us. Fear can hold us back from progress and stagnate our growth. Think back at all the times in your life when fear made the decision for you. With deep thought, most people would say that virtually all past decisions were made out of fear. Only when we can overcome fear, can we manifest our true paths in life. 

Fear is a huge obstacle to overcome. Most of us have been taught fear from childhood making fearful concepts ingrained in our psyche. It is a part of who we are but it doesn't have to be.

Some examples of fear are:

Fear of what other people think or how you will be perceived.

Fear of failure or success.

Fears that you are not capable or not enough.

Examples of fears could fill endless pages. Some fears are healthy such as reasonable fears for safety. But mostly, fears take over and incapacitate a person’s life.

Personally, my experience with fear is extensive. From my first memories, I existed in a fear state and was unaware of any other type of living. I lived decades of life in high anxiety fear. Looking back, I can truly say that fear made ALL of my decisions. Because of this constant high anxiety, I felt incapable of confronting the issues that life brought my way. Most of my decisions were to not decide. Which of course is also a decision. Fear completely stalled my life and kept me from fulfilling my full potential and my true path. 

In the beginnings of awakening, I gained clarity. I was able to attain a new perspective and had a complete shift in thinking. Realizing the tremendous role that fear had in my life, it could then be addressed. Understanding came to me that fear was carried with me as a tangible feeling in my body that now had a name. It was in the form of tightened muscles, rapid heart rhythms, sweat, and stress. The phrase "my stomach is in knots" comes to mind. I once described it to my sister as feeling as though you were "about to jump out of a plane". I felt that way the majority of the time and if anything seriously stressful came about, my body was completely overwhelmed. I could hardly deal with life's issues and would just shut down.

Through awakening, I have learned how to handle fear. Awakening happens to everyone in different ways. My own experiences of awakening began through meditation and Spirit Guide communication as well as confronting the fear inside of me. I detail many of these experiences of awakening in my other blogs which are available for sharing. 

Notice when fear creeps into your body as stress. Bring a thought to mind when an area of your body tightens and begins to ache with stress. Say to yourself, "There is fear here". Recall what you were thinking when you began feeling this fear. By doing this you can find the root cause. Once the fear is recognized, you can decide to release it.

Release fear mentally by healing the cause of the fear and then letting it go. For instance fears of unworthiness plague most people. This feeling can often be traced back to childhood. If you are fortunate enough to be able to trace the feeling back to a particular person or event, you can then work on forgiving the persons involved in teaching you this false lesson. Most of all, you can forgive yourself for holding on to this unhelpful lesson that has kept you from your true potential.

When you have forgiven, you can decide to let it go. Think to yourself "This no longer serves me. I will let this thought go." Then imagine it floating from your mind and dissipating. Ponder the immense hold these thoughts of fear once had over you. Feel the relief and peace when you are able to release them. You may have to release the same thought again and again until it is truly gone. Catching it before it wreaks havoc in your mind and body is vital.

Often, fear leaves a lingering presence in one’s body. The stress left behind may be harder to let go of. To deal with this, Close your eyes and feel the place where this fear has resided. Soften the muscles in this area and release the pain. Taking deep slow breaths, visualize the pain leaving your body. Continue this practice until your body is once again at peace. Practice these steps every time you feel fear enter your body. This could be several times a day. At first, this may need to be practiced more often. The goal is to get your mind and body accustomed to living without fear. That is, to live without fear the majority of the time. When this is accomplished, you will notice immediately when fear is inhabiting your thoughts, and you will be able to quickly reject it. 

Becoming aware of your Chakras, your personal, and universal energy can greatly aid you in eradicating fear. But these simple steps that have been outlined can help everyone to release their fear now. Try it and become accustomed to the feeling of your body at peace. Remember what it feels like to soak in a hot bath or how relaxing it is to receive a massage? You can have that peace and relaxation in every moment. In fact it's how you are supposed to exist! It becomes easier and easier to release fear from your life. Once you are practiced, it can be as simple as closing your eyes for a moment and a very few deep breaths. 

Using these methods has vastly improved the quality and direction of my existence. I would be so pleased if this simple method aids you. Thank you for being a part of the Kindred Being journey. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer. Feel free to comment below.